- Borštnikova nagrada za mladega igralca za vlogo Hane v uprizoritvi Dogodek v mestu Gogi, 37. Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor, 2002
- Nagrada Sklada Staneta Severja 2008 za igralske stvaritve v slovenskih poklicnih gledališčih v sezoni 2007/2008 (Kalerija v Letoviščarjih; Charlotte v Skrivnih strahovih na javnih krajih in Petrunela v Dundu Maroju)
- Nagrada tantadruj za gledališki dosežek 2014 v uprizoritvi Postani obcestna svetilka (Srečko Kosovel)
- Nagrada ZDUS »Duša Počkaj« za izjemne igralske stvaritve v zadnjih dveh letih, 2021
- Nagrada tantadruj za igralske stvaritve za vlogo Mie v uprizoritvi Najboljša evropska predstava ter za vlogo Leonate v uprizoritvi Mnogo hrupa za nič, 2024
Roles in our theatre
Authorial project: 1973, premiere 1. 2. 2025
Singers - Tereza Gregorič, Jakob Šfiligoj: The Birthday Concert, premiere 19. 5. 2024
Mia, a director of the Festival of the European Theatre, a famous festival director and curator - Marko Bratuš, Haris Pašović: The Best European Show, premiere 16. 4. 2024
Leonata, Governess of Messina - William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, premiere 11. 4. 2024
- : The Trojan Women, War and Men, premiere 1. 7. 2022
52 Hertz - Tijana Grumić: 52 Hertz, premiere 6. 4. 2022
Recorded Voice - : Icarus, premiere 28. 10. 2021
Elephant - Toon Tellegen: The Healing of the Cricket, premiere 7. 10. 2021
angela, genovefa's daughter, 46 - Simona Semenič: rowan, strudel, dance and more, premiere 8. 4. 2021
Europa - Authorial project: Europe, Sweet Mother, premiere 24. 9. 2020
Europa - Authorial project: Europe, Sweet Mother, premiere 24. 9. 2020
Madam Pace - Luigi Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author, premiere 6. 2. 2020
Clerk; Mrs. Fezziwig; Ghost of the Present; Mrs. Dilber - Charles Dickens, Neil Bartlett: A Christmas Carol, premiere 28. 11. 2019
Jakobina von Munchausen, his consort, baroness - Grigoriy Gorin: Baron Munchausen, premiere 18. 4. 2019
Hecate - William Shakespeare: Macbeth, premiere 13. 12. 2018
Helena, his wife - Ivan Cankar: For the Welfare of the Nation, premiere 20. 9. 2018
Leader of chorus of Trojan captives - Euripides: The Trojan Women, premiere 12. 4. 2018
Irina Nikolayevna Arkadina - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: The Seagull, premiere 7. 12. 2017
Undis, Bork's wife - Astrid Lindgren: Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter, premiere 26. 9. 2017
Celia Peachum - : The Beggar's Opera, premiere 23. 3. 2017
- The Tiger Lillies, Julian Crouch, Phelim McDermot: Shockheaded Peter, premiere 7. 12. 2016
Klokotčeva, his wife - Nebojša Pop-Tasić: Why Birds Sing, premiere 29. 9. 2016
Eugenie - Jean Giraudoux: Ondine, premiere 12. 5. 2016
Authorial project: Love for the Neighbour, premiere 24. 3. 2016
Poeta - : Who's Afraid of the Bogeyman , premiere 12. 11. 2015
Susan, Maggie, Ivy, Veronica Aldgate, Flo Cohen - Rafael Spregelburd: Stupidity, premiere 21. 5. 2015
Dorine, Mariane's lady's maid - Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière: Tartuffe, premiere 12. 3. 2015
Else, his daughter - Jevgenij Švarc: The Dragon , premiere 13. 11. 2014
Glinda the Good Witch of the North - Lyman Frank Baum: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, premiere 12. 9. 2014
Thelma - Tom Stoppard: After Magritte, premiere 2. 4. 2014
: Become a Street Lamp (Srečko Kosovel), premiere 8. 1. 2014
Sempronia, jeweller and senator - William Shakespeare, Thomas Middleton: Timon of Athens, premiere 26. 9. 2013
Gurmižska - Aleksander Nikolajevič Ostrovski: The Forest, premiere 23. 5. 2013
Poverty - Aristophanes: Wealth, premiere 10. 1. 2013
The Little One - Simona Hamer, Ajda Valcl: Breakfast, premiere 14. 11. 2012
Singer - Vesna Milek, Svetlana Slapšak, Dušan Jovanović: Tailors of the World - Funeral Fashion Show, premiere 4. 10. 2012
She 2 - Simona Semenič: 24hours, premiere 1. 3. 2012
Jemavec - Milan Jesih: The Bitter Fruits of Justice, premiere 18. 3. 2011
Neja, Narrator, Mother Superior, Mother, City woman - Giovanni Boccaccio, Ira Ratej, Matej Krajnc, Milko Lazar: The Decameron, premiere 19. 2. 2011
Toby - Friedrich Dürrenmatt: The Visit, premiere 23. 9. 2010
Sofja Aleksandrova - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov : Uncle Vanya, premiere 25. 2. 2010
ospa Amalija, njegova žena in sestra Lamberta Laudisija - Luigi Pirandello: Right You Are (If You Think You Are), premiere 10. 12. 2009
Marianna - Carlo Goldoni: A Curious Mishap, premiere 1. 10. 2009
Cmilja - Ljubomir Simović: Miracle in Šargan, premiere 14. 5. 2009
Teta Daca - Branislav Nušić: The Cabinet Minister's Wife, premiere 18. 12. 2008
Miroslav Krleža: Leda, premiere 16. 10. 2008
Marin Držić: Uncle Maroje, premiere 26. 6. 2008
Charlotte - Alan Ayckbourn: Private Fears In Public Places, premiere 3. 4. 2008
Maxim Gorky: Summerfolk, premiere 10. 1. 2008
Olympe Ferraillon - Georges Feydeau: A Flea in Her Ear, premiere 1. 6. 2007
Jelka - Srečko Fišer: The coming, the going, premiere 21. 12. 2006
Chorus of Bacchants - Euripides: The Bacchae, premiere 20. 10. 2006
David Ives, Borut Gombač: A Snares of Small Fantasies, premiere 20. 4. 2006
David Ives, Borut Gombač: A Snares of Small Fantasies, premiere 20. 4. 2006
Nadeshda - Biljana Srbljanović: Locusts or My Father Plays the Lottery, premiere 5. 1. 2006
Alice's Mother, Mouse, Dormouse, White Queen - A. Annecchino - R. de Ceccatty - J. Kica: Alice, premiere 20. 10. 2005
Ivan Cankar: The King of Betajnova, premiere 9. 6. 2005
Carlo Gozzi: The Green Bird, premiere 10. 3. 2005
Dusan Kovacevic: The Marathon Family, premiere 6. 1. 2005
Srečko Fišer: Meanwhile, premiere 20. 11. 2004
Ivan Cankar: The Scandal in St Florian's Valley, premiere 27. 5. 2004
Oton Župančič: The Bubbles, premiere 12. 12. 2003
Luigi Pirandello: Liolà, premiere 18. 9. 2003
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin Molière: Don Juan, premiere 24. 4. 2003
Roland Schimmelpfennig: The Arabian Night, premiere 20. 3. 2003
William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream, premiere 10. 10. 2002
Anton Pavlovič Čehov: Three Sisters, premiere 17. 1. 2002
Slavko Grum: The Event in Goga Town, premiere 11. 10. 2001
Carlo Goldoni: The Squabbles at Chioggia, premiere 20. 9. 2001
Ciril Kosmač - Srečko Fišer: That Lovely Day, premiere 28. 9. 2000