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Ana Kržišnik

Creations in our theater

Season 2024/2025

Dramaturg - Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia: Prometheus, premiere 21. 1. 2025

Season 2023/2024

Dramaturg - Henrik Ibsen: When We Dead Awaken, premiere 13. 3. 2024

Dramaturg - Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia: The Distance, premiere 11. 10. 2023

Season 2022/2023

Dramaturgical Consultant - Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia, Francesco Gammino, Luca Signoretti: To the Moon and Back, premiere 4. 6. 2023

Dramaturgs - Dominik Smole: Antigone, premiere 16. 2. 2023

Dramaturg - Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia: Perpetuum mobile, premiere 17. 11. 2022

Season 2021/2022

Dramaturg - Authorial project: The Malady of the Soul, premiere 17. 2. 2022

Authors of Adaptation - Authorial project: The Malady of the Soul, premiere 17. 2. 2022

Dramaturg - : Icarus, premiere 28. 10. 2021

Authors of Concept - : Icarus, premiere 28. 10. 2021

Season 2020/2021

Dramaturg - Federico García Lorca: The House of Bernarda Alba, premiere 15. 10. 2020

Authors of Adaptation - Federico García Lorca: The House of Bernarda Alba, premiere 15. 10. 2020

Season 2019/2020

Dramaturg - : GO! Borderless, premiere 14. 8. 2020

Dramaturg - Hanoh Levin: Yakish and Poopche, premiere 18. 6. 2020

Dramaturg - : DE-SET, premiere 8. 12. 2019

Dramaturgy Collaborator - : Ōs, premiere 6. 11. 2019

Season 2018/2019

Dramaturg - Grigoriy Gorin: Baron Munchausen, premiere 18. 4. 2019

Season 2017/2018

Dramaturg - Euripides: The Trojan Women, premiere 12. 4. 2018

Dramaturg - : S/He, premiere 16. 11. 2017

Authors of Concept and Selection of Texts - : S/He, premiere 16. 11. 2017

Season 2016/2017

Dramaturgs - : The Beggar's Opera, premiere 23. 3. 2017

Dramaturg - The Tiger Lillies, Julian Crouch, Phelim McDermot: Shockheaded Peter, premiere 7. 12. 2016

Dramaturgs - Nebojša Pop-Tasić: Why Birds Sing, premiere 29. 9. 2016

Season 2015/2016

Dramaturgs - Jean Giraudoux: Ondine, premiere 12. 5. 2016

Dramaturg - Lyudmila Razumovskaya: Dear Yelena Sergeyevna, premiere 6. 4. 2016

Dramaturg - Gregor Brazel: The Bloody Mountain, premiere 14. 10. 2015

Season 2014/2015

Dramaturg - Rafael Spregelburd: Stupidity, premiere 21. 5. 2015

Dramaturg - Jan Cvitkovič: The Children of Adam and Eve , premiere 18. 2. 2015

Dramaturgs - Neda R. Bric: Nora Gregor – The Hidden Continent of Memory / skriti kontinent spomina / il continente nascosto della memoria / ein verborgener Kontinent der Erinnerung, premiere 25. 9. 2014

Season 2013/2014

Dramaturg - Lope de Vega: Madness in Valencia, premiere 22. 5. 2014

Dramaturg - Eric Chappell: Theft, premiere 12. 12. 2013

Season 2011/2012

Dramaturgs - Ivan Cankar: Serfs, premiere 6. 10. 2011

Season 2010/2011

Dramaturg - Henrik Ibsen: An Enemy of the People, premiere 2. 12. 2010

Authors of Adaptation - Henrik Ibsen: An Enemy of the People, premiere 2. 12. 2010