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Andrijana Boškoska

Roles in our theatre

Season 2019/2020

Second Actress - Luigi Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author, Premiere 6. 2. 2020

A lady; Emma - Ödön von Horváth: Tales from the Vienna Woods, Premiere 19. 9. 2019

Season 2018/2019

Mrs. Shears; Mrs. Gascoyne; others roles and voices - : The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, Premiere 15. 5. 2019

Season 2016/2017

: The Beggar's Opera, Premiere 23. 3. 2017

Season 2015/2016

Jean Giraudoux: Ondine, Premiere 12. 5. 2016

Ivan Cankar: The Beautiful Vida, Premiere 5. 12. 2015

Gregor Brazel: The Bloody Mountain, Premiere 14. 10. 2015

Season 2014/2015

Jevgenij Švarc: The Dragon , Premiere 13. 11. 2014

Aunt Em / Munchkin - Lyman Frank Baum: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Premiere 12. 9. 2014

Season 2013/2014

William Shakespeare, Thomas Middleton: Timon of Athens, Premiere 26. 9. 2013