Charles Dickens, Neil Bartlett
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol, 1843, 2003
First Slovene production
28. november 2019
SNG Nova Gorica
The old tightwad Ebenezer Scrooge, who never celebrates Christmas, caustically yelps at his loyal clerk and jolly nephew that this is yet another year in which he has no intention of getting excited about the holidays. But on the lonely Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of his late business partner Jacob Marley who – because he was a cheapskate just like Scrooge – has to drag heavy chains in the other world as punishment. Scrooge and Marley started their company when they were very young, then exclusively pursued profit for the rest of their lives; they never cared for the poor or the family. Yet Scrooge still has time to fix this, because Marley’s ghost predicts that three more ghosts will visit him, the ghost of the past, the present and the future. He advises him to do what they tell him, so that he won’t be doomed to dragging the chains forever after death … And indeed, Scrooge wakes up on Christmas morning a new man! Some citizens are sceptical about his conversion, but he pays them no heed, because he has learnt that happiness is in sharing fortune with others.
The great English novelist Charles Dickens created one of his most important works and one of the Christmas myths of the modern time with his classical novella A Christmas Carol. He first self-published it in 1843, and it became an immediate hit and almost-required reading for generations not only in England but all over the world. This is the first story in history that includes time travel and one of the most popular ghost stories ever. In fact, it talks about how a person can change with some repentance and willpower.
Today the story is a peculiar phenomenon, traditionally revived all over the world before the holiday; more than fifty film and animated adaptations have been created, it was also published several times in Slovenia, too, and every year, a ballet based on Dickens’s script can be seen at the Opera in Ljubljana. At the SNG Nova Gorica it will be directed by Ivana Djilas who aims many of her productions to children and adults and stages them in the spirit of the innovative musical theatre.
* The production uses musical motifs of Slovene and English Christmas folk songs as well as Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Gruber and Leopold Belar.
Ana Duša -
Ivana Djilas -
Assistant to Director
Marko Bratuš -
Language Consultant
Srečko Fišer -
Boštjan Gombač -
Music Arranged by*
Joži Šalej, Boštjan Gombač, Blaž Celarec -
Puppet Technologist and Animation Consultant
Barbara Bulatović -
Costume Designer
Jelena Proković -
Maša Kagao Knez -
Make-up Designer
Tina Prpar -
Light Designer
Jaka Varmuž -
Sound Designer
Stojan Nemec -
Assistant to Language Consultant
Anja Pišot -
Assistant to Costume Designer
Katarina Šavs
Ebenezer Scrooge
Radoš Bolčina k. g.Clerk; Mrs. Fezziwig; Ghost of the Present; Mrs. Dilber
Ana Facchini k. g.Bob Cratchit; Tom; Old Fezziwig; Fat Man of Business
Peter Harl k. g.Clerk; Ghost of the Past; Belinda; Fat Man of Business
Patrizia Jurinčič Finžgar k. g. / Lara Fortuna k. g.Marley; Harry; Young Scrooge; Peter Cratchit; Ghost of the Future
Jure Kopušar k. g.Fred; Dick; Old Joe
Matija Rupel k. g. / Romeo Grebenšek k. g.Portly Gentleman; Sister; Fred's wife; Rich Man
Marjuta Slamič k. g.Clerk; Miss Fezziwig, later Belle Wilkins; Mrs. Cratchit
Urška Taufer k. g.Portly Gentleman; Litlle boy; Litlle Scrooge; Tim Cratchit; Rich Man
Andrej Zalesjak k. g.Musicians
Blaž Celarec k. g. / Joži Šalej k. g.
- uvrstitev predstave v katalog kakovostnih predstav za otroke in mladino Zlata paličica
- Ana Facchini – nagrada ZDUS »Duša Počkaj« za izjemne igralske stvaritve, med drugim tudi za vloge Uradnik; Mama Fezziwig; Duh sedanjosti; Gospa Dilber, 2021
- Ivana Djilas – nagrada ZDUS »Marko Slodnjak« za umetniške dosežke na področju gledališke režije, med drugim tudi za režijo predstave Božična pesem, 2021
27. 11. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
28. 11. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
29. 11. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
1. 12. 2019, 17.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
10. 12. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 12. 2019, 12.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 12. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
21. 12. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
27. 12. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
28. 12. 2019, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
24. 12. 2020, 18.00. SPLET.
17. 12. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
18. 12. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
21. 12. 2021, 11.30. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
21. 12. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
22. 12. 2021, 18.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
23. 12. 2021, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
23. 12. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
14. 12. 2022, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
15. 12. 2022, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
15. 12. 2022, 18.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
16. 12. 2022, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
16. 12. 2022, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica. - CANCELLED
19. 12. 2022, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
19. 12. 2022, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
21. 12. 2022, 20.00. Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
22. 12. 2022, 20.00. Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
23. 12. 2022, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
14. 12. 2023, 10.30. SNG Nova Gorica.
15. 12. 2023, 11.30. SNG Nova Gorica.
15. 12. 2023, 18.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
21. 12. 2023, 20.00. SNG Maribor. - CANCELLED
23. 12. 2023, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
27. 12. 2023, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
31. 12. 2023, 19.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
18. 12. 2024, 12.00–14.00. Big stage. SCHOOL
19. 12. 2024, 12.00–14.00. Big stage. SCHOOL
20. 12. 2024, 20.00–22.00. SNG Maribor.
23. 12. 2024, 10.30–12.30. Big stage. SCHOOL - CANCELLED