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David Ives, Borut Gombač

A Snares of Small Fantasies

David Ives, Borut Gombač

A Snares of Small Fantasies

A baptismal production

Three One-act plays


20. april 2006

A Snares of Small Fantasies presents three one-act plays that each show "unusual" first encounters in its own original way. Two one-act plays by the American writer David Ives Universal Language and Long Ago and Far Away (from his famous and extremely popular series of short comedies All In The Timing from 1994) and a play - originally a radio drama - by the Slovene poet and writer Borut Gombač New Inside (1991) are similar in creative poetics despite the geographical distance between the authors.
The three theatre miniatures - each one of them, and all three together - charm us with their wonderful simplicity, their ease and unpretentious wit ...
