28. november 2020
SNG Nova Gorica, on-line
Hansel and Gretel is one of the best known European fairy tales. It is tremendously, unbelievably cruel, but we see it as a metaphor of human coming of age – a person’s paths through vital situations and the changes one has to confront to survive. On the symbolic level, growing up is filled with such situations. Hansel and Gretel thus leave on their journey as children and return as young adults. This journey has marked and changed them. It has changed not only them but also their surroundings – the home they return to is now free of evil. It has died out by itself. Their transformation from weak children into strong individuals has made them more powerful than the evil, making it disappear.
What we’re interested in when staging this old, perhaps even outdated tale is its charge of a “journey”. It makes the protagonist “shape” themselves, and change. When they return, nothing is the same – neither they nor their world.
The characters in this production for children in preschool and the first triad of primary school don't speak, because we all know the story already. This special characteristic leaves more space for the actors’ bodies, movement, music and visual image. The production is directed by Andrej Jus, who successfully staged The Bitter Fruits of Justice, which inaugurated the SNG Nova Gorica Small Stage, and the poetry concert Become a Street Lamp (Srečko Kosovel).
Andrej Jus -
Branko Potočan -
Set Designer
Urša Vidic -
Costume Designer
Andrej Vrhovnik -
Polona Janežič -
Video by
Urša Vidic, Andrej Kamnik -
Light Designer
Renato Stergulc -
Sound Designer
Stojan Nemec -
Video Designer
Vladimir Hmeljak
Žiga UdirGretel
Anuša KodeljaFather
Dušan Teropšič k. g.Stepmother
Maja Poljanec NemecWitch
Dušanka Ristić/ Medea Novak
- uvrstitev predstave v katalog kakovostnih predstav za otroke in mladino Zlata paličica
Festivals and performances abroad
- 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey, 2022
28. 11. 2020, 18.00. SPLET.
31. 12. 2020, 11.00. SPLET.
3. 4. 2021, 10.30. splet.
18. 6. 2021, 17.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
18. 6. 2021, 19.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 4. 2022, 18.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
26. 4. 2022, 10.00. 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey.
26. 4. 2022, 13.00. 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey.
27. 4. 2022, 10.00. 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey.
27. 4. 2022, 13.00. 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey.
28. 4. 2022, 10.00. 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey.
28. 4. 2022, 13.00. 17th Little Ladies Little Gentlemen International Children's Theatre Festival, Ankara, Turkey.
6. 10. 2022, 10.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
8. 10. 2022, 15.00. SNG Drama Ljubljana.
8. 10. 2022, 18.00. SNG Drama Ljubljana.
17. 10. 2022, 10.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
10. 3. 2023, 18.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 3. 2023, 17.00. Cankarjev dom Ljubljana.
14. 3. 2023, 13.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 9. 2023, 9.30. 34. Pikin festival Velenje.
12. 9. 2023, 11.30. 34. Pikin festival Velenje.
28. 9. 2023, 18.00. Kulturni dom Krško.
2. 10. 2023, 10.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
7. 10. 2023, 10.00. Kosovelov dom Sežana.
2. 11. 2023, 18.00. INK - Gradsko kazalište Pula, Hrvaška.
3. 11. 2023, 9.30. INK - Gradsko kazalište Pula, Hrvaška.
3. 11. 2023, 11.00. INK - Gradsko kazalište Pula, Hrvaška.