The Healing of the Cricket
De genezing van de krekel, 1999
A baptismal production
Adaptation based on the animal stories and poems by Ivana Djilas and Marko Bratuš
7. oktober 2021
SNG Nova Gorica
The story about a dark feeling in the cricket's head is a part of books by Dutch author Toon Tellegen. Stories talk about life of forest animals and author also wrote them in the forest. The animals offer the reader incredibly beautiful, wise, unpretentious and intelligent reflections about the meaning of life that come from their own special circumstances and mental states. Cricket is facing depression, Hedgehog struggles with the fear of visitors, Elephant has unstoppable desire of climbing the trees, Squirrel is so busy with everyone around her, she forgets about her own needs, omniscient Ant wonders about the meaning and Firefly just wants to shine once.
Clever and lucid Tellegen has – already decades ago when the stories were written – noticed that the world is turning in very strange direction, and a dark cloud descended above us all in the last year and a half. Masquerading it as a young adult literary form, Tellegen wrote philosophical texts for adults. And children. Because we all understand the message of these stories, each in his own way.
The family musical-visual spectacle is directed by Ivana Djilas, who, with her team of collaborators, has staged many successful productions in SNG Nova Gorica, recently bizarre operetta Shockheaded Peter and a family musical A Christmas Carol.
Staša Pavlović, Mateja Seliškar Kenda, Marko Bratuš -
Ivana Djilas -
Marko Bratuš -
Language Consultant
Anja Pišot -
Songs by
Boštjan Gombač -
Boštjan Gombač, Joži Šalej, Murat -
Joži Šalej -
Set Designer
Sara Slivnik -
Costume Designer
Jelena Proković -
Maša Kagao Knez -
Expert Counsellor
Špela Oblak -
Video Designer
Vesna Krebs -
Light Designer
Igor Remeta -
Sound Designer
Matej Čelik -
Vasja Kokelj -
Assistant to Costume Designer
Katarina Šavs
Ana FacchiniFirefly
Patrizia Jurinčič FinžgarCricket
Matija RupelHedgehog
Žiga SaksidaSquirrel
Urška TauferAnt
Andrej ZalesjakMusicians
Joži Šalej/ Murat
- uvrstitev predstave v katalog kakovostnih predstav za otroke in mladino Zlata paličica
- Matija Rupel - tantadruj 2022 za igralske stvaritve, med drugim tudi za za vlogo Črička v predstavi Čriček in temačni občutek
- Grand prix, Bijenale scenskog dizajna – BiSD 2022,Beograd, Srbija
- Matija Rupel - nagrada Sklada Staneta Severja za igralske stvaritve v slovenskih poklicnih gledališčih za vloge, ki jih je ustvaril v obdobju od 15. septembra 2021 do 15. septembra 2023, med drugim tudi za vlogo Črička v predstavi Čriček in temačni občutek, 2023
Festivals and performances abroad
- 57. festival Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor, 2022
7. 10. 2021, 20.30. po podelitvi, veliki oder.
8. 10. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
9. 10. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
10. 10. 2021, 18.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
13. 10. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
14. 10. 2021, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
19. 5. 2022, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 5. 2022, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 5. 2022, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
23. 5. 2022, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
5. 6. 2022, 20.30. 57. Festival Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor.