12. december 2013
SNG Nova Gorica
When, in the middle of a night, a successful man returns to his country house accompanied by his wife and another married couple, he's first faced with devastation, then chances upon a burglar. The latter takes control of the situation, exposes the intimacy of the four which shakes the happy appearance of their friendship and amorous ties.
Theft, a comedy thriller, whose cast includes a sickly protagonist who just about manages to conceal his identity behind a mask of a thief and small posse of diverse characters – two married couples – begins as a comedy. The thriller dimension is added when the levels of their amorous and friendship ties are disclosed: it reveals deception, while at the same time offering the dimension of the intrusion into the realm of intimacy by showing us manipulative conduct. The appropriation of other person's property described in the title thus doesn’t stop at the material; rather, it is a genuine intrusion into other people's lives. But in order for the play not to remain in a simple relationship between a burglar and a group of victims, the burglar's identity only comes into question while the situation is being resolved.
In Theft, Eric Chappell (1933) uses the burglar’s crafty manipulating and his game »who’s the thief« to create comedy. The text, which is the contemporary English comedy writer’s introduction to Slovenian audience, will be directed by Jaša Jamnik.
Tina Mahkota -
Jaša Jamnik -
Ana Kržišnik -
Language Consultant
Srečko Fišer -
Set and Costume Designer
Vasilija Fišer -
Davor Herceg -
Light Designer
Samo Oblokar
Trevor Farrington
Tomislav Tomšič k. g.John Miles
Gorazd JakominiJenny Farrington
Arna HadžialjevićBarbara Miles
Maja Poljanec NemecSpriggs
Gojmir Lešnjak – Gojc k. g.
- Vasilija Fišer - Bršljanov venec, priznanje ZDUS za umetniške dosežke za leto 2013, med drugim tudi za oblikovanje scenografije in kostumografije v predstavi Kraja
Festivals and performances abroad
- Festival Dnevi komedije Celje, 2014
11. 12. 2013, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 12. 2013, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
15. 12. 2013, 17.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
18. 12. 2013, 20.00. Kulturni dom Postojna.
19. 12. 2013, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
21. 12. 2013, 20.00. .
7. 1. 2014, 20.00. Špas teater Mengeš.
10. 1. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 1. 2014, 20.00. Špas teater Mengeš.
18. 1. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
20. 1. 2014, 20.00. Špas teater Mengeš.
22. 1. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
24. 1. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
11. 2. 2014, 19.30. Prešernovo gledališče Kranj.
15. 2. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
1. 3. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
14. 3. 2014, 19.30. Festival Dnevi komedije Celje.
18. 3. 2014, 19.30. Dom kulture Brežice.
20. 3. 2014, 19.30. Gledališče Park Murska Sobota.
8. 4. 2014, 19.00. Kulturni dom Šmarje pri Jelšah.
10. 4. 2014, 11.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
18. 4. 2014, 20.00. Kulturni dom Cerknica.
29. 10. 2014, 19.30. Mestno gledališče ljubljansko.
30. 10. 2014, 19.30. Mestno gledališče ljubljansko.
20. 11. 2014, 19.30. Rudniška dvorana Idrija.
24. 11. 2014, 20.00. Kosovelov dom Sežana.
26. 11. 2014, 19.30. Dom kulture Ljutomer.
28. 11. 2014, 19.30. Cankarjev dom Vrhnika.
22. 12. 2014, 20.00. SNG Nova Gorica.
12. 1. 2015, 19.30. Dom kulture Velenje.
6. 2. 2015, 19.30. Avditorij Portorož. - CANCELLED
13. 2. 2015, 19.30. Kulturni dom Velike Lašče.
24. 2. 2015, 19.00. KC Primoža Trubarja, Šentjernej.
25. 2. 2015, 19.30. Kulturni center Rogaška Slatina.
21. 3. 2015, 19.30. Kulturni dom Sv. Duh pri Škofji Loki.
11. 4. 2015, 19.30. Avditorij Portorož.
16. 4. 2021, 20.00. splet.