The rich archive covers performances since 1955.
Search keys: titles of performances in alphabetical list, repertoires by seasons, by authors and actors.
Search keys: titles of performances in alphabetical list, repertoires by seasons, by authors and actors.
Karel Čapek
SEZONA 1962/1963
Karel Čapek: Mother, premiere 6. 10. 1962
Karel Valentin
SEZONA 1973/1974
Karel Valentin: Relocation, premiere 23. 11. 1973
Karl Wittlinger
SEZONA 1960/1961
Karl Wittlinger: Visiting Young Love , premiere 18. 3. 1961
Katja Hensel
SEZONA 2011/2012
Katja Hensel: Heads or Tails, premiere 29. 9. 2011
Klaus Eidam
SEZONA 1974/1975
Klaus Eidam: The Adventures of Pinocchio, premiere 22. 11. 1974
Kolektivno gledališče Sakerdona Mihajloviča, TNK, Grunt
SEZONA 2021/2022
Kolektivno gledališče Sakerdona Mihajloviča, TNK, Grunt: BetON7, premiere 20. 12. 2021
Kristina Brenk
SEZONA 1962/1963
Kristina Brenk: Modra vrtnica za princesko, premiere 27. 12. 1962