Slovensko narodno gledališče Nova Gorica

SNG Nova Gorica, Slovenija


Evropska gledališka konvencija / European Theatre Convention

on programme

31. 5. 2021. On-line

We have decided to re-awaken our understanding of the collective, of relations that form the collective field, by using a stone puppet that resembles a human being. River stones are sacred in our local environment. And Michelangelo's David, one of the truly iconic Renaissance masterpieces, was also made of stone.
We knew that certain attentiveness had to arise in the field among puppeteers and of course - between them and the puppet. We didn’t ask for help from experienced puppeteers. We decided instead for approach of “The three puppeteers”, who will have to learn how to work together and work with the puppet. We - The Group, a team with a lot of personal issues, as in every community - gave ourselves a goal to awaken life in a puppet and to record our learning process of evolving to a fully functioning, supporting and creative community with a sense of aesthetics. Isn’t that how we understand Renaissance?

Slovensko Narodno Gledališče Nova Gorica – Slovenia

Written and Executed by Collective Theater Sakerdon Mihajlovič: Miha Nemec, Maja Poljanec Nemec, Enej Gala, Neli Maraž, Tomi Novak, Fabris Šulin
Directed by Miha Nemec
Video Director: Neli Maraž
Visual Work and Puppet Creation: Enej Gala
Music & Sound: Tomi Novak
Camera & DOP: Fabris Šulin
Dramaturgy Assistant: Marko Bratuš
President: Maja Poljanec Nemec
Produced by SNG Nova Gorica
Co-produced by TNK – Teater Na Konfini

Special thanks to: Marko Bratuš, Mirjam Hladnik Milharčič, Vida Rucli, Katja Robič, Denis Maraž